Monday, 22 February 2016

Organic Surge Blissful Daily Moisturiser- The newest Primer?

Hello again!!!
I'm back with something new and exiting today.. Well for me it is!!!
Skincare!!! But with a twist, I was recently sent these items so I did not pay for them. What you're about to read are MY honest views on this product and what I have been recently using it for!!

So I should start by telling you a little bit about this product. As it says in the name it's a daily moisturiser and is suitable for all skin types, that firstly is amazing in my opinion as no one is excluded. This product is also jam packed with hydrators, essential oils (yay) and antioxidants. So what does this cream claim to do?

• Rebalance oily or dry areas 
• Renews skin to give a glowy/health appearance 
• Animal friendly which we all love! 

I can confirm this moisturiser does an amazing job at smoothing out the skin and my dry have stayed under control but I also put that down to my good skincare routine! But I also have started to use this for another reason not listed with the company 
Yes I have been using this as my primer for two weeks now and I LOVE it. 
The reason I started doing so? The first day I applied this moisturiser I noticed it firstly took longer than usual to dry in and it also became tacky whilst drying.
So me being the impatient person I am and I was also in a rush I decided to put my foundation on whilst it was tacky and I forgot my normal daily primer. Later that night I looked at my makeup and obviously to my surprise it was still perfect. In my T-Zone is where my makeup would wear throughout the day without primer so when I noticed it was still perfect I ran for the bottle! 
One of the main ingredients in this cream is Glycerin. Which is what helps your makeup stick as it becomes tacky. It's also amazing for; 
Maintaining water balance in the skin avoiding dehydrated skin, improve skin appearance and also help fight against skin disorders such as psoriasis! 

I have been using this as my primer and daily moisturiser for two weeks now with NO complaints, I have applied my foundation when the cream has become tacky and I've loved it since (used in my snapchat tutoital). The biggest thing for me is that your skin is getting so many nutrients and goodness right before applying your makeup. 
For me this stuff has been amazing and has suited me so well for both uses. As I said this is just what I do and what suits my skin. If you are interested in trying this moisturiser you can pick it up in Pharmacies that are now beginning to stock (Waterford- Castle Pharmacy Dunmore Road) or you can go to their online website.

This is retailing at €14.04 online!

I hope you've enjoyed this little read and like always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!!
Until next time,

Disclaimer - I was not paid to use this product or write this review!

Snapchat- bbeauty_jan
Facebook- Blossoming Beauty by Jan
Instagram- janat_blossomingbeauty 

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